Monday, December 11, 2006

Invidente Eres Tú
My class produced a series of radio shorts with the help of local musician and radio afficionado Lucho Hernandéz. Needless to say Lima is not a very easy place to live for people with disabilities. While laws exist to ensure the rights of those who are impaired, they are not enforced. Getting around town is no easy task for those without disabilities, much less those who have them. These radio spots were produced by my students to reflect a variety of angles: sensitivity, workforce issues and prevention. We also recorded an audio tour of Lima with Lucho to see how he uses sounds to get around.

Invidente eres Tu
Jonathan Hunter, Angel Ilbaguren, Paloma Vergara, JuanLuis Nugent

Invidente eres Tu 1
Invidente eres Tu 2
Invidente eres Tu 3
Invidente eres Tu 4

No me Cierres las Puertas
Antonio Tello, Fiorella Munoz, Gabriel Massei
No me Cierres 1
No me Cierres 2
No me Cierres 3

Daniel Goya, Sissy Delgado, Maria Jose Ampuero,
Fiorella Cruzalegui, Carolina Maceda, Sheyla Navarro
Prevencion 1
Prevencion 2
Prevencion 3
Prevencion 4

Sound Tour of Lima Peru
Luis Hernandez, Jesse Hardman, Jonathan Hunter

The piano you hear at the end is Lucho playing. He has a gig every Tuesday and Thursday at Mango's in Miraflores and Friday through Sunday at Las Canastas in La Molina.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger chadboger said...

I only understand a word here or there but entertaining nonetheless. Garrison would be proud of your efforts.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Manuel Portillo said...

Unicamente quiero felicitarlos por tan excelente trabajo. De todo lo que escucho en Internet, su trabajo ha sido el mas interesante hasta ahora. El audio es muy bueno, y el formato es de lo mas interesante. En verdad, muchas gracias por el privilegio de escucharlos.

I was so facinated with your work. that I wanted to congratulate you for such an excellent piece of work. This is THE most interesting thing I have heard so far on the Internet. The quality of the sound is good, and the format most interesting. Sincerely, thank you so much for the opportunity to listen to your work.


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